Vilnius 2012

Collected papers of the seminar held in Vilnius in October 2012

International Seminar
Quality in regional and local government audits performed by public sector audit institutions in EURORAI member countries” 
Vilnius, 19 October 2012

- presentations and other documents available in English -


Opening and welcome

Session 1: Developing a culture of quality in the regional audit institution

Slides of the presentation made by Tim Watkinson, District Auditor at the Audit Commission in England

Slides of the presentation made by Luc Héritier, Public Prosecutor for Financial Matters at the Regional Audit Chamber of Île-de-France

Slides of the presentation made by Helmut Brückner, President of the Court of Audit of Upper Austria, and Elke Anast, Deputy President of the Court of Audit of Upper Austria

Session 2: Ensuring the right people to deliver quality audits in regional audit institutions

Slides of the presentation made by Lesley McGiffen, Portfolio Manager (Best Value) at Audit Scotland

Slides of the presentation made by Andrey A. Kolesnikov, Chairman of the Chamber of Control and Accounts of Stavropol Region

Session 3: Experiences of quality in audit processes

Slides of the presentation made by Thomas Apelt, President of the Court of Audit of Brandenburg

Slides of the presentation made by Paul Dimblebee, Group Director for Performance Development and Guidance at the Wales Audit Office, and Terry Jones, Financial Audit Technical Manager at the Wales Audit Office

Slides of the presentation made by Charles Pict, President of the Financial Inspectorate of the Geneva canton

Conclusions and closure

Report with recommended practice on audit quality