What is EURORAI?
EURORAI - the European Organisation of Regional External Public Finance Audit Institutions - is a cooperation project among public sector audit institutions in Europe which provides an exchange of experiences and enables to make progress in the common field of regional and local public sector financial control in order to guarantee a better use of public finances.
When was the Organisation created?
The Organisation was created on 1st October 1992 during its constitutive assembly held in Manchester (United Kingdom).
EURORAI's goals are in accordance with its Statutes:
1. To foster and promote cooperation among audit bodies in the various sectors in which they carry out their activities.
2. To promote exchanges of knowledge and experience in public finance auditing.
3. To keep its members informed about the legislation, organization and operation of the various public sector audit bodies.
4. To promote studies relating to the audit of public finance.
5. To foster exchange programmes and training courses for the officials of the institutions which are members of EURORAI.
6. To establish a proper definition of the terminology used in each country in order to facilitate the harmonisation of public finance auditing methods.
EURORAI performs the following activities:
Meetings, conferences, seminars, joint publications, surveys, exchange of professionals, among others.
Financial sources
The financial resources of EURORAI mainly come from the payment of the annual subscription fees made by the members of the Organisation. The amount of these fees was fixed in 2,000 euros for each full-right member institution. Those institutions which do not fulfil the necessary requirements to become members with full rights, but are interested in participating in the different activities of EURORAI, may obtain the status of associated member. Associated members pay an annual fee of 1,000 euros. Observers do not have to pay any contribution.
The European Commission supported EURORAI at the beginning of its activities by co-financing some activities within the framework of the Experience Exchange Programme (EEP), a programme designed to promote scientific and technical cooperation among regional authorities in Europe.
Which institutions can become members of EURORAI?
Any regional external public finance audit institution from any European State may become a member of EURORAI.
Is there any other way to join the Organisation?
The Management Committee may admit other audit institutions as associated members with no right to vote and determine the conditions for this joining.
On the occasion of the IV Congress held in Graz, the General Assembly of EURORAI approved a reform of the Statutes of the Association. The purpose was, among others, to redefine the different categories of members within EURORAI in order to adapt the statutory framework, in a better and more flexible way, to the existing demand for co-operation and exchange of information and knowledge of public sector audit institutions or associations to which they belong. Therefore, a clear distinction has been established between those entities which may become members and those which may only be linked to the Organisation as observers. Thus, the European character of the Organisation will be preserved, but at the same time non European institutions and associations will have the possibility to participate in the activities arranged by EURORAI.
List of EURORAI member institutions to date
Founder members
- Steiermärkischer Landesrechnungshof (Austria)
- Hessischer Rechnungshof (Germany)
- Landesrechnungshof Sachsen-Anhalt (Germany)
- Local Government Audit Service - Department of the Environment (Ireland)
- Comitato di Controllo della Regione Emilia Romagna (Italy) (abolished in 2004)
- Comitato di Controllo della Regione Lombardia (Italy) (abolished in 2004)
- Comitato di Controllo della Regione Toscana (Italy) (abolished in 2004)
- Audiencia de Cuentas de Canarias (Spain)
- Cámara de Comptos de Navarra - Nafarroako Kontuen Ganbara (Spain)
- Consello de Contas de Galicia (Spain)
- Sindicatura de Comptes de Catalunya (Spain)
- Sindicatura de Comptes de la Comunitat Valenciana (Spain)
- Tribunal Vasco de Cuentas Públicas - Herri Kontuen Euskal Epaitegia (Spain)
- Contrôle des finances de la République et Canton du Jura (Switzerland) (withdrawal in 2001)
- Audit Commission of England and Wales (United Kingdom) (abolished in 2012)
New members
- Burgenländischer Landes-Rechnungshof (Austria)
- Kärntner Landesrechnungshof (Austria)
- Niederösterreichischer Landesrechnungshof (Austria)
- Oberösterreichischer Landesrechnungshof (Austria)
- Tiroler Landesrechnungshof (Austria)
- Landes-Rechnungshof Vorarlberg (Austria)
- Stadtrechnungshof Wien (Austria)
- Audit Office of the Institutions in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina * (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
- Audit Office of the Republic of Cyprus * (Cyprus)
- Chambre régionale des comptes Grand Est (France)
- Chambre régionale des comptes de Nouvelle-Aquitaine (France)
- Chambre régionale des comptes d'Auvergne, Rhône-Alpes (France)
- Chambre régionale des comptes de Bourgogne, Franche-Comté (France)
- Chambre régionale des comptes de Bretagne (France)
- Chambre régionale des comptes du Centre- Val de Loire (France)
- Chambre régionale des comptes de Corse (France)
- Chambre régionale des comptes de Normandie (France)
- Chambre régionale des comptes d'Île-de-France (France)
- Chambre régionale des comptes Occitanie (France)
- Chambre régionale des comptes Hauts de France (France)
- Chambre régionale des comptes des Pays de la Loire (France)
- Chambre régionale des comptes de Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur (France)
- Rechnungshof Baden-Württemberg (Germany)
- Rechnungshof von Berlin (Germany)
- Bayerischer Oberster Rechnungshof (Germany)
- Landesrechnungshof Brandenburg (Germany)
- Landesrechnungshof Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Germany)
- Niedersächsischer Landesrechnungshof (Germany)
- Landesrechnungshof Nordrhein-Westfalen (Germany)
- Rechnungshof Rheinland-Pfalz (Germany)
- Rechnungshof des Saarlandes (Germany)
- Sächsischer Rechnungshof (Germany)
- Landesrechnungshof Schleswig-Holstein (Germany)
- Thüringer Rechnungshof (Germany)
- State Audit Office of Hungary – Major Directorate in charge of local government audit* (Hungary)
- Lietuvos Respublikos Savivaldybių kontrolierių asociacija (Association of Comptrollers for Local Authorities in Lithuania)*
- Rekenkamer Rotterdam (Netherlands)
- National Council of Regional Chambers of Audit (Poland)
- Regional Chamber of Audit in Bydgoszcz (Poland)
- Regional Chamber of Audit in Kraków * (Poland)
- Regional Chamber of Audit in Łódź * (Poland)
- Regional Chamber of Audit in Poznań * (Poland)
- Regional Chamber of Audit in Szczecin * (Poland)
- Regional Chamber of Audit in Warszawa * (Poland)
- Regional Chamber of Audit in Wrocław * (Poland)
- Regional Chamber of Audit in Zielona Góra * (Poland)
- Tribunal de Contas - Secção Regional dos Açores * (Portugal)
- Tribunal de Contas - Secção Regional da Madeira * (Portugal)
- Chamber of Control and Accounts of Chelyabinsk Region (Russia)
- Chamber of Control and Accounts of the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria (Russia)
- Chamber of Control and Accounts of the city of Kazan * (Russia)
- Chamber of Control and Accounts of Krasnodar Region (Russia)
- Chamber of Control and Accounts of Leningrad Region (Russia)
- Chamber of Control and Accounts of Moscow (Russia)
- Chamber of Control and Accounts of Moscow Region (Russia)
- Chamber of Control and Accounts of Rostov Region (Russia)
- Chamber of Accounts of Samara Region (Russia)
- Chamber of Control and Accounts of Saint-Petersburg (Russia)
- Chamber of Control and Accounts of Stavropol Region (Russia)
- Chamber of Control and Accounts of the Republic of Tatarstan (Russia)
- Chamber of Control and Accounts of Tver Region (Russia)
- Chamber of Accounts of Tuymen Region * (Russia)
- Chamber of Accounts of Vladimir Region (Russia)
- Chamber of Control and Accounts of Volgograd Region (Russia)
- Chamber of Accounts of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District * (Russia)
- Court of Audit of Slovenia – local government audit section* (Slovenia)
- Cámara de Cuentas de Andalucía (Spain)
- Cámara de Cuentas de Aragón (Spain)
- Sindicatura de Cuentas del Principado de Asturias (Spain)
- Sindicatura de Comptes de les Illes Balears (Spain)
- Cámara de Cuentas de Castilla-La Mancha (Spain)
- Consejo de Cuentas de Castilla y León (Spain)
- Cámara de Cuentas de la Comunidad de Madrid (Spain)
- Cour des comptes de la République et Canton de Genève (Switzerland)
- Inspection des finances du canton de Genève (Switzerland)
- Inspection des finances du canton du Valais (Switzerland)
- Cour des comptes du canton de Vaud (Switzerland)
- Finanzkontrolle des Kantons Zürich (Switzerland)
- Audit Scotland (United Kingdom)
- Audit Wales (United Kingdom)
- Jersey Audit Office * (self-governing British Crown Dependency)
- Tribunal de Contas do Estado do Paraná * (Brazil)
- Tribunal de Contas do Estado de Santa Catarina * (Brazil)
- Tribunal de Contas do Estado de Minas Gerais * (Brazil)
* associated members
As already mentioned before, a statutory reform introduced the status of observer, which has been granted since then to the following institutions/associations:
- Ассоциация контрольно-счетных органов Российской Федерации (АКСОР) (Association of Chambers of Control and Accounts of the Russian Federation)
- Združenie hlavných kontrolórov miest a obci slovensky republike (Vereinigung der Hauptkontrolleure der Städte und Gemeinden der Slovakischen Republik) (Slovakia)
- Auditor General of Quebec (Canada)
- Canadian Council of Legislative Auditors (Canada)
- Auditoría General de la Provincia de Salta (Argentina)
- Foundation for Training and Research in Public Sector Auditing (Spain)
- Instituto Rui Barbosa (Brazil)
- Norges Kommunerevisorforbund (Norwegian Association of Local Government Auditors)
Who chairs EURORAI?
EURORAI is directed by a Management Committee, which is made up of seven members. The Management Committee meets at least once every year.
At the General Assembly held in Mallorca on 21st October 2022 within the framework of its eleventh Congress, EURORAI appointed and elected a new Management Committee made up of the following representatives of member institutions:
Joan C. Rosselló Villalonga – Audit Office of the Balearic Islands / Sindicatura de Comptes de les Illes Balears (Spain)
Charles Pict – Internal Audit Service of the Canton of Geneva / Service d'audit interne du canton de Genève (Switzerland)
Secretary General
Vicent Cucarella Tormo – Audit Office of the Autonomous Community Valencia / Sindicatura de Comptes de la Comunitat Valenciana (Spain)
Other members of the Management Committee:
Antony Clark – Audit Scotland
Gaby Schäfer – Court of Audit of Schleswig-Holstein / Landesrechnungshof Schleswig-Holstein (Germany)
Nathalie Gervais – Regional Audit Chamber of Provence-Alpes Côte d'Azur / Chambre régionale des comptes de Provence-Alpes Côte d'Azur (France)
Reinhard Krismer – Court of Audit of Tyrol / Landesrechnungshof Tirol (Austria)
Where can you obtain more detailed information regarding the Organisation?
If you are interested in having more detailed information about EURORAI, you can contact the General Secretariat of the Association:
General Secretariat of EURORAI
Sindicatura de Comptes de la Comunitat Valenciana
C/ San Vicente, 4
46002 Valencia (Spain)
Phone: 0034 673412328;0034 673411805
E-mail: eurorai@eurorai.org
or if you wish, you can contact any member institution of the Organisation.