Latest news: EURORAI Seminar in Brussels – registration and hotel reservation information

The online registration for the next EURORAI Seminar which will take place from 30 September to 2 October 2024 in Brussels is now open. Please, go to to register. We ask all participants to fill in the registration form with as much detail as possible so that the EURORAI General Secretariat and the co-organising institutions can make the necessary preparations.

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Statement of the EURORAI Management Committee on the situation in Ukraine

The Management Committee of EURORAI firmly condemns the current Russian invasion of Ukraine, which constitutes a flagrant violation of international law and goes against the objectives and principles of EURORAI according to its Statutes.

As a consequence, the committee has decided to suspend with immediate effect all kinds of cooperation with the member institutions of EURORAI in the Russian Federation and recommends all EURORAI members to act in the same way.

The EURORAI Management Committee expresses its deep solidarity with the Ukrainian people and calls for an immediate stop of the war.

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