
Latest news: Exchange of experience between Regional Audit Chambers in Poland and Auditors of Municipalities in Lithuania

At the invitation of Gintaras Radavičius, President of the Association of Comptrollers for Local Authorities in Lithuania, two representatives of Polish regional chambers of audit took part in the annual seminar dedicated to raising the qualifications of employees of municipal control and audit institutions in Lithuania, event which was held on 30 and 31 May 2024 in the city of Palanga.

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EURORAI Seminar in Brussels – registration and hotel reservation information

The online registration for the next EURORAI Seminar which will take place from 30 September to 2 October 2024 in Brussels is now open. Please, go to to register. We ask all participants to fill in the registration form with as much detail as possible so that the EURORAI General Secretariat and the co-organising institutions can make the necessary preparations.

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EURORAI General Assembly in Graz

Representatives of 46 member institutions of EURORAI took part in the annual General Assembly held last 24 May in Graz in the context of the seminar of the Association on the theme “Challenges for regional public sector audit institutions related to climate change and its impact on public policies”.

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EURORAI Seminar in Graz

More than 90 delegates coming from 13 different countries attended the EURORAI seminar which took place last 24th May in Graz. The event was hosted by the Court of Audit of Styria and the theme chosen was "Challenges for regional public sector audit institutions related to climate change and its impact on public policies".

If you wish to consult the collected papers of the seminar, please click on the link below

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Announcement - EURORAI Seminar in Brussels

The next EURORAI event following the seminar in Graz will take place in Brussels on 1 October. It will be organised by the Court of Audit of Hesse and the Court of Audit of Schleswig-Holstein in cooperation with the EURORAI General Secretariat. The seminar will be devoted to public sector audit in times of tight budgets and securing the corresponding scope of action. The aim of the event is to emphasize the importance of regional external public sector audit institutions to EU players.

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