Rotterdam 2018

Collected papers of the seminar held in Rotterdam in April 2018

International Seminar
Conducting audits on cyber- and information security” 

Rotterdam, 19 April 2018

- presentations and other documents available in English -


Opening and welcome

Session 1 - The audit on cyber- and information security: scope and content of the audit, audit methodology and standards, audit approach, audit results, etc.

Slides of the presentation made by Rolf Willemse, Team Manager at the Court of Audit of Rotterdam

Slides of the presentation made by Andreas Preslmayr, Auditor of the Court of Audit of the city of Vienna

Slides of the presentation made by Charles Pict, Director of the Internal Audit Service of the Canton of Geneva

Session 2 - The impact of cyber- and information security issues on the work performed by the external auditor: new responsibilities and challenges, new job descriptions, organizational strategies, relations with the auditees, regulations, sensitive issues, etc.

Slides of the presentation made by Thomas Kersting, Head of Audit Division of the Court of Audit of Brandenburg

Slides of the presentation made by Paul Cunningham, IM&T Audit Manager, Wales Audit Office

Slides of the presentation made by Gemma Diamond, Senior Manager, Audit Scotland

Slides of the presentation made by Antonio Minguillón Roy, Auditor and Director of the Technical Department at the Audit Office of the Autonomous Community of Valencia, and Alejandro Salom Campos, Head of the Audit Unit responsible for IT Systems at the Audit Office of the Autonomous Community of Valencia

Slides of the presentation made by Irina V. Tulyakova, Chairwoman of the Accounts Chamber of Vladimir Region

Slides of the presentation made by Pierre Cotton, Counsellor at the Regional Audit Chamber of Pays de la Loire

Conclusions of the working sessions presented by the moderators

Summary of session 1

Summary of session 2

Conclusions and closing