Portsmouth 2006

Collected papers of the seminar held in Portsmouth in November 2006

International Seminar
Planning & delivering a risk based audit with reference to International Standards on Auditing (ISAs)
Portsmouth, 10 November 2006

- presentations and other documents available in English -


Introduction and Objectives

Responding to International Standards on Auditing

Slides of the presentation made by Stephen Warren, Head of Technical Support, Audit Commission in England

Session 1 - Planning the risk based audit

Slides of the presentation made by Victor Eiff, Director of the Audit Office of Amsterdam

Summary of the presentation made by Christian Descheemaeker, President of the Regional Chamber of Audit of Ile de France

Slides of the presentation made by Mick Waite, Head of Health (Northern), Audit Commission in England

Session 2 - Series of 4 workshops to consider different aspects of the audit

Workshop 1 - Computer Audit 

Slides of the presentation made by Steve Warren, Head of Technical Support, Audit Commission in England

Workshop 2 - Fraud & Error

Slides of the presentation made by Alan Bryce, Senior Technical Manager, Audit Commission in England

Workshop 3 - Value for Money & Performance Information

Slides of the presentation made by Sheila Hill, Audit Manager, Audit Commission in England

Workshop 4 - Reporting the Audit

Slides of the presentation made by Michael Yeats, Audit Manager, Audit Commission in England

Text of the presentation made by Olivier Ortiz, President of the Regional Chamber of Audit of Alsace

Discussion and feedback of learning points of the 4 workshops

Conclusion and closing