EURORAI Seminar in Brussels
Picture 1 (EURORAI): Group photo of the participants in the morning conference of the seminar
Picture 2 (EURORAI): View of the conference room
Picture 3 (EURORAI): Opening speech by the President of EURORAI Joan Rosselló
Picture 4 (EURORAI): Keynote speech by the President of the European Court of Auditors Tony Murphy
Picture 5 (EURORAI): Kay Barthel, President of the Court of Audit of Saxony-Anhalt, during his presentation
Picture 6 (EURORAI): Richard Robinson, Senior Manager of Audit Scotland, during his joint presentation with Thomas Charman
Picture 7 (EURORAI): Thomas Charman, Senior Auditor of Audit Scotland, during his joint presentation with Richard Robinson
Picture 8 (EURORAI): Thomas Hammer, Auditor of the Court of Audit of Upper Austria during his presentation
Picture 9 (EURORAI): Iwona Kopczyńska, Member of the Board of the Regional Chamber of Audit in Łódź, during her joint presentation with Magdalena Budziarek
Picture 10 (EURORAI): Magdalena Budziarek, Member of the Board of the Regional Chamber of Audit in Łódź, during her joint presentation with Iwona Kopczyńska
Picture 11 (EURORAI): Panel discussion at the evening conference of the seminar, f.l.t.r.: Joan Rosselló, Alejandro Ballester - Director of Chamber V of the European Court of Auditors, Eva-Charlotte Proll - Behörden Spiegel and Monika Hohlmeier, Member of the European Parliament and First Vice-Chair of the Committee on Budgets
More than 100 delegates coming from 14 different countries attended the EURORAI seminar which took place last 1 October in Brussels. The event was jointly hosted by the Court of Audit of Hesse and the Court of Audit of Schleswig-Holstein. The theme chosen was "Public sector audit in times of tight budgets and securing the corresponding scope of action".
In the morning, speakers from the European Court of Auditors and EURORAI member institutions from Austria, Germany, Poland and Scotland gave insights into the challenges and opportunities of external public sector audit in times of limited budgetary resources at the Representation of the State of Hesse to the European Union. The presentations covered a wide range of topics and highlighted current developments.
In addition, leading experts from EURORAI member institutions, the European Court of Auditors and the European Parliament discussed the future of public sector auditing and its contribution to ensuring financial stability and efficiency in public institutions in a panel discussion on the topic of "Securing scope of action – limiting debts". The discussion focussed in particular on the reduction of bureaucracy being sought at EU level and the role of external public sector audit institutions in this context.
If you wish to consult the collected papers of the seminar, please click on the link below!